Resources, Tools and Downloads

Our resources, tools and downloads sections include educational literature, free software, engineering charts and calculators, as well as Advanced Fluid Systems' marketing literature and links to relevant fluid power industry web sites.

Online Fluid Power Calculator

CalculatorOur online fluid power calculator is a powerful tool with common conversions, a Cst to SUS conversion chart and fluid power formulas capable of 50 calculations.  The calculator is unique because each formula allows you to calculate for any variable regardless of it position in the formula.  Don't forget to bookmark it!

Educational Literature

Educational LiteratureEffective educational and technical literature is an important tool for novice and expert alike.  Our educational literature page can help you update your current literature and purchase materials for your next school or training.

Downloads and Tools

convert software A brief collection of applications and files useful for fluid power design and engineering in general. 

Marketing Materials

Line Card Thumbnail Download our line card and brochures describing our products, systems and services.  Looking for free stuff? Get a listing of free notepads, calendars and magnets available upon request.